Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Nice Start..

Hi Everyone!

As you can see I'm a newbie in this blogging thing. My name is KIM. A second year college student taking up Tourism Management. I'm a teenage mom. YEAH! i got pregnant at 17. And 18 when i had my baby girl. But i don't regret anything. It's really a wonderful thing.

So much of it, I always love stitching since high school. I love to stitch everything. Cute Disney characters and anime as well. I even search the net for free patterns. I have a few of my finished projects with me. 

Now, i spend my free time in stitching mini cross stitch designs for key chains.

Here it is:

Also, i had stitched this Christmas Ornament:

I'll update you with what projects I'm doing.
God Bless Guys!

` kimoe. ♥

0 stitchy notes: