Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good day!

As what I've said, I am getting busier as my baby's 1st birthday is fast approaching. But I still find time doing my projects. When I was still pregnant, I used to stitched this "Baby In The Clouds" for my baby's arrival. But I wasn't able to finish this so I'm continuing it now.

Look how cute the baby is. I can definitely compare it to my baby. For me, she is this cute but except for that blue eyes because mine has dark brown.

I'm looking forward to finish this soon so that I can display it in our room.

And BTW, I'll be off blogging in 1 week because I'm going to be busy preparing all the details for my baby's birthday. It'll be this 22nd of July. So I'm going to miss stitching for a couple of days but I promise to catch up after.

Have a great day friends!

` kimoe. ♥

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